Tuesday, February 25, 2025

German Pancakes from tastes better from scratch

(I  was in my early 20's when I first had German Pancakes,  in  Rexburg Idaho .  My cousin's mother-in-law made them for us- I was living with my cousin and her family- I was hooked and have made them since- she used bread pans for individual servings, but lately I found this recipe that I like better than the one I was given)

* Preheat oven to 425 F.

 *6 large eggs

 *1 c. milk

 *1 c. flour

 * dash salt

 * 1 tsp. vanilla

 * 5 Tbsp. butter

*  As the oven preheats,  take a 9x13 inch. ungreased pan and put 5 Tbsp. butter in it then put it in the oven just until it is melted.

* Place the eggs, milk, flour, salt and vanilla in a blender, blend until smooth. Pour in baking dish over melted butter

* Bake for 22-27 minutes or until edges are golden brown and puffy

*to serve sprinkle generously with powdered sugar and syrup 

** This is amazing with cookie butter and whipped cream!


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